10 Dec 2017

Object.create vs. new

Object.create() will build a new object that has its prototype set (via __proto__) to whatever object is passed as the first argument.

const first = {
  hello: 'world'

const second = Object.create(first);
console.log(second.hello) // 'world'

With prototypical inheritance, JS will look for the hello property on second. Since it can't find it, it will look to first.

Let's look at using the new operator:

function Third() {
  this.x = "I'm an x"; 

const fourth = new Third();
fourth.prototype.anotherProp = "Another prop";

console.log(fourth.x); // "I'm an x"
console.log(fourth.anotherProp); // "Another prop"

When invoking a constructor function with new, several things happen. In the execution context of fourth = new Third(), an empty this object is created. The __proto__ property of this is set to the prototype of Third, i.e. this.__proto__: Third.prototype. Finally, new returns the this object, so fourth = {x: "I'm an x"}.

So how does this differ from Object.create()? They both create new objects that inherit from a prototype. However, Object.create() doesn't execute the constructor function - it only assigns the newly created object a prototype reference.

const fifth = Object.create(Third.prototype);
console.log(fifth.x); // undefined
console.log(fifth.anotherProp); // "Another prop"

So, with Object.create(), the newly created object only has reference to properties assigned on the passed in object (in this case the prototype of the constructor), and since it does not invoke the constructor, references to the properties assigned there are undefined